Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to avoid the high cost of gear...

Thanks to Chris Fenwick for tweeting about this - always a big fan of finding ways around the high cost of production gear. If you're looking at buying a mic boom pole, check out this link:

Love stuff like this. still thinking through solutions for audio record on the T2i, and I'm strongly leaning towards separate sync sound. Just not looking forward to the post-prod hassle.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fitting the Z-Finder to the Rebel T2i

JJ at Orange Wedding Films, I owe you a drink for all these wonderful early vids of the T2i. This one discusses the mod needed to fit a Z-Finder to the Rebel:

Z-Finder for T2i from Orange Wedding Films on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Custom White Balance on the T2i

I am completely jealous of people like JJ, who have their T2i already. Right now, I feel like the lady in the old Mervyn's ad, going OPEN OPEN OPEN. Hasn't arrived yet, but it should very soon.

In the meantime, here's another video from JJ, showing how to set a custom white balance for video from a still image:

Custom White Balance on T2i (550D) or 7D from Orange Wedding Films on Vimeo.

Great comparison of the 7D and T2i

7D vs. T2i Comparison Video from Orange Wedding Films on Vimeo.

Read the whole review here.

Tutorial on how to shoot for max dynamic range

Here's a tutorial for the 7D on how to set up the camera so you have maximum dynamic range in post:

This raises an interesting point - does the T2i offer picture profiles like the 7D? I can find no mention of it in the manual. We may be stuck with the profiles built-into the camera. :-(

UPDATE: Thanks to Stan, my fears have been assuaged. P91-94 of the manual shows how to create "Picture Styles," which are the same as the profiles mentioned on the 7D.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

James Miller Test Footage

More test footage - this shot in ISO 800 and 1600 with a 24-105L lens at f4.

Canon 550D / Rebel T2i Production Camera First Tests from James Miller on Vimeo.

The boxed footage at the end is shot in "crop mode," SD footage, using the chip to digitally zoom to 1:1 pixels. Looks amazingly good.

Where I'm coming from....

I set up this site because it finally happened - there's a dSLR under $1000 that shoots full 1080p and supports the full range of EF lenses.

My background is mostly in web-based production work. I've shot mostly on cameras like the Panasonic HVX-200, Sony FX-1, and the like. Currently, I've been using a Canon HV30, and I've been looking (hoping and waiting) for a camera that could move me away from the HDV or DVCPROHD world, but not break the $1000 marker.

I'm very much aware of the limitations the H.264 format has. I know it's a compromise compared to, say, REDCode, or 4:4:4 uncompressed. However, economics being what they are, cameras with those types of output are WAY out of my price range. I'm looking for something that'll move me away from HDV. The low-light of the T2i BLOWS AWAY anything I've seen in the HDV space (or HVX-200, or Ex1, or, well, a LOT of fixed-lens cameras out there...)

The question I get a lot is, why compromise - just rent a RED? Unfortunately, that's not going to work for most of what I do. I shoot a loot of improv, unscripted, on-location stuff, often in natural lights, with only a reflector. Until a RED will fit in my carry-on bag, it ain't gonna happen.

The RED Scarlet is super-interesting to me. Even though we're talking $5k +, it's just the type of camera I'm looking for. I'll be watching their development closely. The Rebel is great for now, will let me build up a set of lenses, and, when the Scarlet FF35 is shipping, I can revisit RED.

I'm also closely looking at workflows with the clips from the Canon dSLRs, and I'm hoping to have some good news in the near future... Stay tuned...

More reviews coming in...

This one from Aanarav Sareen:

"...It is a game changer for those that want to produce high-quality videos for a low cost..."

Read the whole article here.

Several samples on his site, but this one really shows the dynamic range available. Noise in the right side, but not bad. I'm wondering what settings and lens were used for this. If that's from the stock lens... wow...

UPDATE! Aanarav tells me that the Empire State shot was done at ISO 3200 using the stock lens (EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens.) Imagine that shot at ISO 1600 with an f/2.8 lens...

Great review of the T2i/550D with great footage.

Canon 550D / Rebel T2i test - "FEBRUARY" preview (pre-production model) from Nino Leitner on Vimeo.

Read the whole review on Nino's blog here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rebel T2i available on B&H's site

Jay Friesen is reporting that B&H Photo has the Rebel T2i in stock and available to order. I just looked and found the body only is unavailable, but the kit with the starter lens is available here:

"Official" demo video for Rebel T2i / 550D

Adding links

I'm adding blog links to the sidebar. If you currently write about dSLR shooting tips, I'd like to know about it. Post a comment, and I'll link to ya. :-)

Hitler unhappy about the Rebel T2i

I know the Hitler meme has been done to death, but this is really funny:

Hitler not happy about the 550d... from oliver walker on Vimeo.

New short featuring the Rebel T2i / 550D

Okay - just so everyone's on the same page - the Rebel T2i and the Canon 550D are the same camera - The "rebel" moniker is only used in the US, while the rest of the world uses the 550D name. Clear?

Here's a great example of some low light work with the camera:

Circle - une vidéo réalisée en EOS 550D from Canon France on Vimeo.

Right-click and view on Vimeo to see it in glorious HD.

Just bought a Rebel T2i

Okay, the order was placed. Now, just waiting on the camera.

Really excited about getting a Canon Rebel T2i - this is the first sub-$1000 camera I've seen that does full 1080p recording, and has interchangeable lenses.

More later.